AHOY THERE! Greetings from Nova Scotia!! And welcome! Come on in, kick your shoes off, and enjoy some down-home Nova Scotian hospitality!  Make yourself a cup of cybertea and stay a spell.

I’m a recording artist and performer, writing music, both adult and children’s songs, as well as being an artistic “dabbler”, creating pen and ink sketches and toying with poetry and other creative writing. Samples of each are available further along on this site. My name is Judi Cleveland and, in the overall scheme of things, I’m a relative unknown. Although, perhaps, I’m not quite as unknown as I used to think. Backstage at one of my recent performances, I was surprised when, after an introductory handshake, someone commented, “Oh, I know who you are…you’re famous around here!” Who knew? I guess I have been kicking around these parts doing what I do for so many years I thought I was just part of the woodwork. But, that’s O.K., woodwork is natural. Anyway, here we are…you and me…and cybertea….so let’s begin with…

The Music

Next …      “The Sketches

And then ……     “The Writing

This website is dedicated to my family, friends, and to all who have supported my endeavours through the years. Thank you.

May your soul be a sound and steadfast ship and the breath of love fill your sails. 

~Judi Cleveland~